Girl Scouts Rock the Supply Chain: Empowering Young Leaders in Logistics and Innovation

In South Florida, the Girl Scouts of Tropical Florida collaborated with Ryder, a Miami-based company, to develop a special patch program called "Girl Scouts and the Supply Chain." The program aims to educate Girl Scouts about the behind-the-scenes processes involved in the Girl Scout Cookie program and the broader concept of supply chain management.

Since its debut in 2020, the supply chain patch program has been successful, with 350 girls earning the patch, and another 100 expected to earn it in the current year. The program offers an additional opportunity for girls to engage with topics beyond the traditional Girl Scout badges. Ryder hosted the first-ever “Girl Scouts Rock Supply Chain” event in collaboration with the Girl Scouts of Tropical Florida and the University of Tennessee Global Supply Chain Institute’s Nexxus to further promote interest in supply chain management. Approximately 30 girls participated in the event, which covered various aspects of supply chain planning, sourcing, production, and the role of the supply chain in disaster recovery.

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