🤑🍎⛈️ Fee-nominal Dining, Juicy Recall, & Storm-Proof Shipping

Good morning! ☀️

Buckle up, folks—today's supply chain ride is a wild one.

👉 First up, lawmakers are taking aim at "junk fees," but restaurants are playing a game of dodgeball with surcharges for everything from credit card processing to gratuities.

👉 Next, Walmart's got a sour note on the menu—over 9,500 cases of Great Value apple juice are being recalled for high levels of inorganic arsenic (yikes!).

👉 And lastly, while we all love that sweet "2-day delivery," extreme weather is making it harder to keep that promise—Houston heatwaves and Florida hurricanes, we're looking at you!

Stay ahead of the curve, and let's dash through the day together! 💨

Learning is not attained by chance. It must be sought for with ardor and attended to with diligence.
— Abigail Adams

Restaurant Junk Fees Are in the Crosshairs

Lawmakers are cracking down on "junk fees," but restaurants are trying to dodge the spotlight. With rising costs, many are tacking on surcharges for things like credit card processing and gratuities. While these fees can keep businesses afloat, critics argue they surprise customers and might cause wage issues for staff. The Biden administration is gearing up to target hidden fees, but not all surcharges are bad—some actually help fund employee benefits and fair pay.

The takeaway? Transparency is key. If you’re adding fees, be upfront about it to avoid customer backlash. And remember, opinions on what's fair can vary, especially with outdated fees like pandemic surcharges still hanging around.

Read more at CNBC >

💡 Why Should Logistics Care?

These surcharges aren't just a restaurant thing—they’re showing up in all sorts of industries, including transportation and logistics. As costs rise, we might see fees for fuel, handling, or even carbon offsets popping up.

🔥 Hot Take: Keep an eye on "fee creep." Surcharges might keep the business running, but if you're not clear with customers, you could face some serious pushback. Transparency is your best friend—make sure your customers know exactly what they're paying for upfront, or you might end up in the same sticky situation as the restaurant industry.

Walmart Apple Juice Recall Due to Elevated Arsenic Levels

Over 9,500 cases of Great Value apple juice sold at Walmart are being pulled from the shelves due to high levels of inorganic arsenic. These 8oz plastic bottles, sold in six-packs, have a "best by" date of December 28, 2024, and are now under a Class II recall. The issue? Arsenic levels clocked in at 13.2 parts per billion—above the FDA’s limit of 10 ppb. While the immediate health risks are low, it’s still a serious call to action, especially for young kids who are more vulnerable to these contaminants.

Read more at Fox Business >

💡 Why Should We in Transportation & Logistics Care?

This recall is a reminder of how crucial our role is in ensuring product safety throughout the supply chain. A hiccup in logistics can lead to major issues like this one, affecting both costs and reputation.

🔥 Hot Take: Quality control isn’t just on the manufacturer—it’s a team effort across the entire supply chain. Let’s make sure our logistics game is tight to avoid these costly mistakes. Double-checking those details can save a lot of headaches (and recalls) down the line.

Weather-Proofing Logistics Is The New Normal

We all love that "2-day delivery" promise, but with extreme weather on the rise—think Houston heat waves and Florida hurricanes—keeping that promise is getting trickier. The logistics industry is facing some serious challenges, with weather-related disruptions expected to cost a staggering $100 billion in 2024. A recent survey even named extreme weather as the top transportation challenge.

So, how are the big players like Walmart, Target, and Amazon handling it? They're turning to AI, predictive analytics, and smart tech to stay ahead. By rerouting trucks, tweaking warehouse ops, and optimizing delivery strategies, they’re keeping things moving, rain or shine. Sure, it comes with extra costs, but it’s all about keeping customer trust and building a sustainable business.

Read more at CNBC >

🔍 Why Should You Care?

Extreme weather is here to stay, and it’s changing the logistics game. It’s not just about delays—it’s about rethinking your entire strategy to stay ahead of the curve.

🔥 Hot Take: Weatherproofing your logistics isn’t just an option anymore—it’s essential. Investing in AI and predictive analytics could be the game-changer that keeps your supply chain agile and your customers happy, no matter what Mother Nature throws your way.

Daily Riddle:

I learn from data, but I'm not alive,
I help you make decisions, and I can drive.
I’m found in your phone, and in machines too,
What am I, that thinks but isn’t you?


Previous Riddle Answer: Tariff


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