🔥🚢🚛 Modular Missteps, Port Pullbacks, & Trucking Turnaround

Good morning! ☀️

Welcome to The Workday Dash, where we keep you on your toes in the fast-paced world of supply chain and logistics! Today’s highlights:

👉 A year after the Lahaina fire, Maude Cumming’s ambitious plan to house survivors is moving at a snail’s pace—proving that even in disaster recovery, the supply chain never takes a break.

👉 Over in Europe, Maersk and MSC are playing port hopscotch, cutting back calls to dodge congestion as ocean shipping demand from China hits new highs.

👉 Meanwhile, the US trucking industry is dusting off the cobwebs with a 9% bump in shipment requests—because, let’s face it, trucks never really go out of style.

Buckle up and get ready to dash through today’s supply chain news.

Don’t watch the clock; do what it does. Keep going.
— Sam Levenson

Delayed Relief: Maui's Struggle with Housing After Lahaina Fire

A year after the tragic Lahaina fire that claimed 102 lives and destroyed nearly 2,200 structures, Maude Cumming’s dream of an 88-unit modular home village for survivors is still a work in progress. Despite $14M in donations and a strong start, only 10 homes are occupied. The culprit? Bureaucratic red tape and supply chain slowdowns. Families are left moving multiple times, scattering a once tight-knit community.

Read more at NBC News >


As folks in transportation and logistics, we know all too well how delays in the supply chain can ripple out. When housing projects stall due to supply issues and red tape, it’s a stark reminder of how crucial our industry is in disaster recovery.


When disaster hits, it’s not just the relief efforts that face bottlenecks—it’s the supply chain and bureaucracy too. Streamlined logistics are key to turning recovery plans into reality.

Shipping Giants Cut European Port Calls to Tackle Congestion

Maersk and MSC, two shipping giants in the 2M Alliance, are dialing back European port calls to dodge the congestion bullet. With ocean shipping demand from China to North Europe shattering records—800,000 TEU in June alone—it’s no surprise they’re tweaking their routes to keep things moving smoothly. But don’t get too comfortable—winter weather and an early Chinese New Year could keep freight rates sky-high. Importers might even start overordering to avoid being left in the lurch.

Read more at The Loadstar >


For those of us in transportation and logistics, this is a wake-up call. When big players adjust their schedules to manage congestion, it’s clear that the supply chain is under serious pressure. This impacts everything from costs to delivery times, so staying flexible is more critical than ever.

🔥 Hot Take: Shipping demand is off the charts, and port congestion is the new norm. Flexibility isn’t just a strategy—it’s your ticket to staying ahead of the curve.

US Trucking Industry Slowly Rebounds Amid Challenges

The US trucking industry is finally seeing some light at the end of the tunnel! After a tough downturn, shipment requests jumped 9% year-over-year in Q2 2024. But it’s not all smooth sailing—there’s still a lot of fleet overcapacity, high fixed costs, and cutthroat competition for those limited freight loads.

Capacity is tightening, which is a good sign, but companies like J.B. Hunt are still feeling the squeeze from flat pricing and underutilized assets. Rising costs, especially for insurance and maintenance, are putting pressure on smaller carriers, even though pandemic cash reserves have helped them hang on. Experts are optimistic about rate gains by mid-2025, but the road ahead is full of challenges.

Read more at Financial Times >


If you're in transportation and logistics, this signals a potential market shift that could affect your operations. The trucking industry is bouncing back, but with overcapacity and rising costs, staying sharp on pricing and capacity planning is crucial.


The trucking industry is inching its way back, but watch out for capacity tightening—it could be the game-changer for freight rates and your bottom line by 2025.

Daily Riddle:

I grow when times are tight,

Yet shrink when all feels right.

I’m the space you can provide,

But too much of me can be a bumpy ride.

What am I?


Previous Riddle Answer: Maersk


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🤖🤷🚢 Wendy's AI-mazing, Ship Happens, & Ship Shape Shift