Industry Indicators: February 14th – 25th

iLevel Logistics presents intriguing data that offers a snapshot of notable industry changes and events during the weeks of February 14th through the 25th.

Industry Indicators: February 14th – 25th

iLevel Logistics presents intriguing data that offers a snapshot of notable industry changes and events during the weeks of February 14th through the 25th.

What’s on the docket this week?

Housing and construction material prices, grocery inflation, expected adoption rates of EVs, Venture capital investment in supply chains, trends in driver pay, used truck prices, China trade deals, new container prices, backlog of truck orders, diesel fuel prices, container dwell times in Odessa, ports clearing containers, insurance premiums costs for different fleet sizes, truck tonnage index, owner-op average haul length, oil futures, spot rates.

Housing and construction material prices move together – up and up!

Source:  Cato

Eating into Budgets:  Grocery Inflation – highest level in 15 years.

Source:  Bloomberg Quint

Projections for Battery-Electric Vehicles – share and adoption rates

Source:  TruckingInfo

Projections indicate that BEVs will comprise more than half of Class 4 – 8 vehicles sold by 2035.

Venture Capital Investment in Supply Chains

Source:  Wall Street Journal

Trends in Driver Pay

Source:  Truckinginfo

Used Truck Prices – 2021 massive YOY increase

Source:  OverDrive

China not living up to trade deal commitments – actual purchases fall far short of targets

Source:  AJOT  

New container prices starting to drop from peak prices last summer


Backlog of truck order at manufacturers

Source: Wall Street Journal

Going up:  Diesel Fuel Prices

Source:  EIA  

Delays in Odessa – 2022 v 2021

Source:  DCVelocity

San Pedro Bay Ports report progress on clearing container backlog

Source:  TransportDive

Progress is measured by comparing the number of long-dwelling containers sitting on docks each day to an October 25th baseline. As of February 11, 70% fewer containers than there was on Oct. 25th.  

Average Insurance Premium Costs per Mile across Different Fleet Sizes

Source:  SCDigest

Truck Tonnage Increased in January

Source:  The Trucker

Owner-Op average haul length

Source:  OverDrive

Ukraine crisis pushes oil futures past $100 a barrel

Source:  TTNews

Spot rates remain elevated compared to 2019

Source:Transport Dive

That’s all for this week.  Thanks for reading.  

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