Industry Indicators: February 1st – 12th

iLevel Logistics presents intriguing data that offers a snapshot of notable industry changes and events during the weeks of February 1st through the 12th.

Industry Indicators: February 1st – 12th

iLevel Logistics presents intriguing data that offers a snapshot of notable industry changes and events during the weeks of February 1st through the 12th.

What’s on the docket this week?

Small business wage increases, avocado prices, CPI index, Covid counts, large truck fatalities, shipping costs and delivery times, public dissatisfaction with government regulations and major corporations, job losses and job gains in truck transportation, surge in owner-operators, remote v. office workers, job quits, regional highway fatalities, national debt, class 8 orders, jobs recovery, delivery times for manufacturers, FMCSA clearinghouse drug test data, ocean carrier reliability record, top 15 truck bottlenecks, small businesses cannot find workers, and inflation undermines wage gains.

More small businesses raised worker’s wages in January 2022 than any months since 1986

Source: Bloomberg News

Daily covid cases on the way down – 7 day moving average

Source:  CDC

Hospitalization admissions trending down as well.

Number of deaths however remain elevated.

Large truck fatalities increasing

Source:  TruckingInfo

Shipping costs and delivery time

Source: Forbes   

Dissatisfaction with government regulations and major corporations – both increasing

Source:  Gallup

Job losses and gains – not equal.  A reason why truck capacity remains tight

Source:  C.H.Robinson

Surge in new owner-operators – size of trucking establishments fall but overall number of establishments rises. 

Remote v in-office workers

Source:  Vox

Job quits

Source:  CNN

Regional increases in highway fatalities - first nine months of 2021 compared to same period in 2020

Source:  CCJ

National debt tops 30 trillion

Source:  CNN

Not much movement on Class 8 monthly orders – but down 50% year over year 

Source:  TruckingInfo

Jobs recovery still underway

Source:  CNN

Delivery times for U.S. manufacturers reaching all-time highs

Source:  SupplyChainBrain

Supply chain leaders prepare to meet employee expectations regarding hybrid work

Source: MH&L

Key shifts for human-centric work design.

FMCSA clearinghouse drug violations up 10% in 2021

Source: CCJ

2021 ocean carrier reliability record lowest ever

Source: SupplyChainLogistics

Top 15 truck bottlenecks

Source:  SCDigest

60% of small business employers having problems finding workers

Source: Smallbiztrends

Inflation undermines wage gains

Source:  Fox

Monthly % change from a year ago.  Wages are not keeping pace.

That’s all for this week.  Thanks for reading.  

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