Industry Indicators: January 16th - 28th

iLevel Logistics presents intriguing data that offers a snapshot of notable industry changes and events during the weeks of January 16th through the 28th.

Industry Indicators: January 16th - 28th

iLevel Logistics presents intriguing data that offers a snapshot of notable industry changes and events during the weeks of January 16th through the 28th.

What’s on the docket this week?

New business applications, quit rates, inventory to sales ratio, Biden’s inflation, forecasting supply-chain disruptions, Covid cases rise and fall, container carrier profits, staged accidents, driver benefits, lithium prices, consumer confidence, ship delays, diesel prices, container imports, and shipping time.

New business applications in 2021 reach record high

Source:  Vox

Industry average attribution rates across 38 industries – April through September 2021 – industries with highest % of blue-collar workers are noted in light blue.  

Source:  MIT Sloan

The ratio of inventories to sales remains near historic low

Source:  Wall Street Journal

Inflation occupies Biden’s first year in office

Source:  AP News

Forecasters expect supply-chain disruption to moderate by Q3 2022

Source:  Wall Street Journal

Sharp rise in Covid cases expected to precede equally sharp drop 

Source:  CNBC

2021 a very good year for container carriers

Source:  SupplyChainBrain

Staged accident?  Many truckers think so

Source: OverDrive

Driver benefits and fleet size 

Source:  TransportDive

Skyrocketing prices for battery-grade lithium

Source:  Wall Street Journal

Following gains in the final months of 2021, consumer confidence moderates in January

Source:  MH&L

Ship delays on the rise – China to West Coast

Source: DCVelocity

Diesel prices surge

Source:  CCJ

Container imports into LA and Long Beach declined in December

Source: Wall Street Journal

Shipping time in days increases markedly since pandemic began

Source:  SCDigest

That’s all for this week.  Thanks for reading.  

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