iLevel Logistics’ Road Scholar
Meet our distinguished Road Scholar, a figure of unparalleled expertise. At iLevel Logistics, we take pride in offering unique perspectives from a seasoned industry veteran with decades of hands-on experience. The Road Scholar's journey through the intricacies of transportation logistics spans from thriving as an employee to flourishing as a small business owner. Their meticulously curated insights are presented with unyielding objectivity, designed to serve as invaluable assets for supply chain professionals.
Delve into the wealth of knowledge laced within the Road Scholar's articles below for comprehensive updates on the ever-evolving realms of supply chain and freight.
Joe Biden’s Climate Approach: is it working?
Immediately after Joe Biden’s electoral victory in 2020, climate change policies were elevated to the very top of the nation’s agenda. However, revolutionizing the nation’s energy policies and transportation habits is no easy task.
Industry Indicators: January 16th - 28th
iLevel Logistics presents intriguing data that offers a snapshot of notable industry changes and events during the weeks of January 16th through the 28th.
“Sleight of Hand” at Southern California Ports
Dozens of container ships offshore from the ports of Los Angeles and Long Beach are the most visible symbols of the nation’s besieged supply chains. So… how did they vanish overnight?
Infrastructure Bill Finally Passes – What’s in it?
Late night Friday, November 5th, the House finally passed the so-called bi-partisan infrastructure bill. The final tally, 228-to-206, showed however that the bill could hardly be labeled bi-partisan.
The Supply Chain Story Everyone Neglects
Facing significant inflation, a surge in consumer spending, and the prospect that supply chain bottlenecks will disrupt the holiday season, President Biden announced a deal last week to expand operations at the Ports of Los Angeles and Long Beach – where 40% of U.S. bound shipping containers arrive.

In this episode of "The Chris Joslyn Show," host Chris Joslyn delves into the cutting-edge world of transportation logistics with special guest Justin Lu, co-founder and CEO of Truckpedia.