
iLevel Logistics’ Road Scholar

Meet our distinguished Road Scholar, a figure of unparalleled expertise. At iLevel Logistics, we take pride in offering unique perspectives from a seasoned industry veteran with decades of hands-on experience. The Road Scholar's journey through the intricacies of transportation logistics spans from thriving as an employee to flourishing as a small business owner. Their meticulously curated insights are presented with unyielding objectivity, designed to serve as invaluable assets for supply chain professionals.

Delve into the wealth of knowledge laced within the Road Scholar's articles below for comprehensive updates on the ever-evolving realms of supply chain and freight.

Jennifer Joslyn Jennifer Joslyn

The Great Resignation: Value in Life, Value in Work

The Great Resignation has produced considerable anxiety within the business community – firms large and small. Employees are voluntarily leaving their jobs, at historically high levels, and experts are uncertain about why this is happening. There are in fact so many different theories circulating, that it’s clear experts are confounded by events.

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Jennifer Joslyn Jennifer Joslyn

“It’s the economy, stupid!”

In a recent Fox News poll, 73% of voters rated the economy negatively – the highest percentage since May 2020. Supply chain concerns and inflation worries fuel the negativity.  Seventy-one percent of survey respondents said they recently observed products out of stock and 55% noticed slower delivery times. Almost 40% reported stocking up on food and staples.  

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