Rail Freight from Canada to U.S. Witnesses Ongoing Decline Following Ports Strike

🇨🇦 Rail Freight from Canada to U.S. Witnesses Ongoing Decline Following Ports Strike.

Rail freight from Canada to the U.S. has experienced a continuous decline, with a 12% decrease reported last week, according to the Association of American Railroads. This marks the third consecutive weekly drop in rail traffic from Canada to the U.S. following the on-again, off-again strike at Western Canadian ports. The vessel and container gridlock resulting from the strike has raised concerns for chemical companies that have critical materials stuck, causing supply chain disruptions. Delays are estimated to be on the upper end of the range, with rail containers facing congestion removal times of 42-70 days. The situation is impacting the delivery of essential chemical goods, and some companies expect supply chain congestion to persist until September or October.

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