FDA Approves Guardant Health's Colon Cancer Screening Blood Test

The FDA just approved Guardant Health's blood test, Shield, to screen for colon cancer. While it won't replace colonoscopies, it's generating excitement among doctors. This test, which previously cost $895 out-of-pocket, could now be covered by Medicare and insurance, making it more accessible.

Dr. Arvind Dasari from MD Anderson Cancer Center sees this as a positive development but advises waiting to see its impact on screening rates and cancer mortality. The test is 83% effective at detecting colorectal cancers, especially in later stages, but only 13% effective for early-stage polyps.

Patients will still need a colonoscopy to confirm positive results, as a blood test alone isn’t enough.

Higher accessibility means more people might get screened, addressing the low rates of current screenings. For people avoiding colonoscopies, this could be a game-changer.

Read more at NBC


Even in transportation and logistics, health innovations like this can impact your workforce. A healthier workforce means fewer sick days and better productivity. Plus, with more accessible cancer screenings, your employees can catch issues early, leading to quicker treatments and less downtime.


Healthier employees mean smoother operations! The new Shield blood test for colon cancer can boost early detection and keep your logistics team on the move. Investing in health is investing in efficiency.


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