Navigating the ADHD Medication Shortage in the US

It turns out that around 1 in 10 people in the US who rely on Adderall and similar meds for ADHD are hitting a wall due to a medication shortage. The FDA flagged this issue back in October 2022, and since then, it’s been tougher for folks with ADHD to get their prescriptions filled.

Data from Truveta shows that prescription fill rates for these meds dropped from nearly 49% to less than 41% between October 2022 and February 2023. That’s about 11% lower on average compared to the first half of 2022. And it's not just getting better on its own.

Adults are usually more on top of filling their prescriptions than kids, but they've also seen a bigger drop since the shortage kicked in. Kids started picking up a bit in the second half of 2023, likely due to school routines, but still haven't bounced back to early 2022 levels.

The big question is why this shortage is still a thing. Turns out, increased demand during COVID-19 and some manufacturing delays are part of the story. Experts like Dr. David Goodman are also looking at ADHD diagnosis trends and how meds are being used, or misused.

Experts warn that inconsistent access to ADHD meds isn’t just disruptive – it can be dangerous. It’s like suddenly not having your glasses and trying to navigate the world. Plus, treating ADHD properly can lower other health risks.

So while there might be some signs of improvement, the struggle and stress are still real for those affected by the shortage.

Read more at CNN >


In the transportation and logistics industry, the ADHD medication shortage, particularly Adderall, is a matter of concern for a few reasons:

  1. Workforce Impact: Considering that 1 in 10 people relying on ADHD medications like Adderall are facing difficulties, this could affect a significant portion of the workforce, including those in our industry. Employees struggling to access their medication may face challenges in maintaining focus and managing tasks efficiently, which can impact productivity and safety in roles that require constant attention.

  2. Supply Chain Insights: The reasons behind this shortage - increased demand and manufacturing delays - highlight the vulnerabilities in pharmaceutical supply chains. For transportation and logistics, it’s a real-time case study in managing supply and demand fluctuations and the importance of having robust, responsive logistics solutions.


This situation underlines the need for agility and resilience in supply chain management. The surge in demand during COVID-19 and subsequent manufacturing issues caused significant disruptions. It’s a wake-up call for our industry to develop more adaptable strategies to handle similar challenges, whether it’s medication, consumer goods, or any other critical supply.

For those in transportation and logistics, it’s an opportunity to re-examine and strengthen our supply chain strategies, ensuring we’re equipped to handle unexpected shifts in demand and supply effectively.


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