Opinion: EPA Must Stop Unsafe and Costly California Maritime Mandate

🌊 Opinion: EPA Must Stop Unsafe and Costly California Maritime Mandate.

The California Air Resources Board (CARB) has issued a mandate that tugboat operators must upgrade their engines with unapproved Diesel Particulate Filters (DPFs) within six months. While CARB's goal of improving air quality is commendable, this directive raises safety concerns as the DPFs lack Coast Guard approval and certification from recognized maritime safety experts. The rushed installation of unproven DPFs poses safety risks, and the Coast Guard has voiced concerns about their reliability in the marine environment. CARB is requesting an EPA waiver to enforce this rule, but federal leaders should not overlook the potential consequences of these rushed installations, considering past incidents of truck fires linked to DPFs. The safety of mariners and the nation's supply chain are at stake, as putting commercial harbor craft out of business will congest vital ports like Los Angeles and Long Beach. CARB should wait for independent verification of DPF safety before implementing this rule, and lawmakers should prioritize mariner safety and the economy.

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