TSC demands truck safety reform in top states with semi-truck-involved vehicle accidents

The Truck Safety Coalition (TSC), a group formed by members of Congress, is ringing the alarm after a “Deadliest Truck Crash States” report was released. The report was formed with data collected from the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) and the National Center for Statistics and Analysis. The report states that since 2009, deaths involving a truck in a vehicle accident have increased by 66%.

The following states ranked the highest for semi-truck-involved vehicle accidents: Wyoming, South Dakota, Nebraska, Arkansas, Montana, Alabama, Idaho, Mississippi, North Dakota, Kentucky, Tennessee, and South Dakota.

In a TSC news release, policymakers were lambasted for not doing enough in light of the “carnage on our roads” and were called to action, demanding that the roadway death growth gets the attention it deserves.

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