“It’s the Economy, Stupid!”

Episode 35

The phrase, “It’s the economy, stupid”, spotlights the connection between voter preferences and economic conditions. James Carville, Bill Clinton’s chief campaign strategist is the individual that coined the term. Voters are increasingly skeptical of President Biden’s economic policies. Fifty percent of Americans now believe the economy is getting worse, not better. That’s a 15-point increase from June. The gap between those that think the economy is getting better and those that think it’s getting worse is 36 points – the largest disparity since Biden entered office.
In our second addition of Mini JOZBytes - Let’s examine how the government created the signs of economic troubles.

You can access a full transcript of the episode here.

Let's buckle up and dive into the detail on this new addition of JOZ Bytes.

This episode is available to stream on Anchor, Spotify, Apple Podcasts, and other podcasting platforms.

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