Navigating the Current: Inflated Fuel, Wage Woes, and the Senior Surge

Inflated fuel!

What's driving the decline in inflation? Fuel oil, gas utilities, gasoline, used cars, medical care, apparel, new cars, electricity, food at home, and away from home.

A graphic displaying the YoY $ change from June 2022-November 2023 CPI Reports.

Wage Woes

For over 2 years, wage growth has fallen far short of inflation.

Eyeballing the time trend, the pattern is not usual, and that may be why voters perceive a poor economy when, in fact, selected measures (GNP growth, etc.) show a fairly healthy economy. In this sense, it’s rational for voters to think the economy stinks.

A graphic displaying that wages have only recently caught up with inflation.

Biden's Approval Slides

President Biden’s job approval ratings remain low, and they have declined 12 percentage points among Democrats since October.

Graphic displaying the % who says they approve of the way Joe Biden is handling his job as president.

Love in Cyberspace

Well, that’s clear.  Finding love used to be a puzzle, now it's just a couple of clicks away!

A graph displaying how couples meet in the US - online dating skyrocketing to the top.

Fueling Relief

Gas prices have now moved down to $3.10 per gallon, the lowest level of the year.

Graphic displaying the national gas price comparison from 2019-2023.

Charging Ahead

The electric and hybrid market share in the United States is sparking a bright future in the United States.

Car Costs

The average vehicle price in the United States are taking us for quite a ride.

Graphic displaying the average price of vehicles int he United States.

Senior Surge

The United States' 65+ population has grown by more than a third in the past 10 years.

Inflated Timelines

Wholesale inflation over time – annual PPI inflation from 2016 to 2023 - has been a rollercoaster of prices.

Charged Distances

When it comes to long-range EVs… the Lucid Air goes the extra mile, leaving the competition in the dust!

A graphic visual showing the longest range EVs - with Lucid Air coming out on top.


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