Chinese Hacking Targets European Cargo Shipping

A top cybersecurity firm, ESET, has uncovered Chinese hacking attempts in the European cargo shipping industry, marking the latest instance of China-aligned groups infiltrating Western economic infrastructure. ESET, based in Slovakia, detected malware called Korplug in systems of several shipping companies in Norway, Greece, and the Netherlands. Intrusions were found not only in office systems but also aboard cargo vessels, with some instances traced to USB drives, a common security risk.

The malware, associated with the Chinese threat group Mustang Panda, used fake software authentication codes, mimicking legitimate signatures from reputable companies. This group, active since 2017, has historically targeted nonprofits, governments, and NGOs, but shifting focus to commercial shipping indicates a potential new strategy.

Mustang Panda is known for sophisticated phishing attacks and persistent monitoring. The U.S. government has warned about Chinese cyber threats, particularly in critical infrastructure like port cranes. The American Association of Port Authorities has called for stronger domestic manufacturing of port cranes to mitigate these risks.

Read more at Maritime-Executive >

Why Should You Care?

Cybersecurity threats in shipping can disrupt supply chains, delay deliveries, and increase costs. Understanding these risks helps you better prepare and protect your operations.

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Chinese hackers targeting cargo ships? Time to beef up cybersecurity and ensure our supply chains stay secure.


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