Macy's Commitment to Eco-Friendly Business Practices

Macy's Vice President of Sustainability, Keelin Evans, emphasizes that sustainability is a pivotal element of Macy's modernization as the department store giant reshapes its models and processes for a sustainable business. This comprehensive approach goes beyond conventional strategies of reducing CO2 emissions and waste, highlighting that sustainability is interpreted diversely based on vertical and market approaches. Macy's defines sustainability through four principles: environment commitment, human rights, and social compliance, expansion of sustainable product assortment, and governance facilitated by disclosure, data analytics, reporting, and stakeholder engagement. This strategy, known as "Mission Every One," aims to direct $5 billion of spending through 2025 to foster a more equitable and sustainable future by investing in people, partners, products, and programs.

Macy's chairman and CEO, Jeff Gennette, states that sustainability is seamlessly integrated into the company's business model, and the organization seizes opportunities to elevate social expectations, mitigate environmental risks, and cultivate a culture that benefits all stakeholders. The company has set near-term emissions reduction targets aligned with the Science Based Targets Initiative, such as a 10% reduction in energy consumption by 2025. Macy's has also undertaken initiatives to enhance supply chain sustainability by using preferred materials, practices, and products authenticated by third-party certifications. The retailer aims to use 100% preferred materials in its private brand products managed by 2030. Human rights and social compliance are other crucial aspects, with investments in worker well-being programs and a commitment to diverse representation in leadership positions. Overall, Macy's sustainability journey is centered on caring for people and managing environmental impact while progressing toward a more sustainable future.

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