Female driver recruitment relies on addressing industry harassment issues, Women In Trucking founder says

Women In Trucking founder Ellen Voie is advocating for a safer industry for women. Driver retention and recruitment strategies are growing more important by the day as the industry struggles to fill the growing labor gap with a more diverse group of truckers. Voie has highlighted the industry issues, such as the lack of female showers and washrooms at truck stops and male-only uniforms, that do not promote themselves as an inviting environment for women. However, she also highlighted the relevant safety issues such as harassment, discrimination, and lack of secure and well-lit parking spaces.

Women currently make up nearly 14% of professional driver positions in the United States, according to the 2022 Women In Transportation Index. The American Truck Association’s stats differ, with an estimated percentage of 8% instead. Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg focused on this 8% statistic while insisting on more diversity in the industry at this year’s ATA. Management Conference and Expedition in San Diego, California.

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