Teamwork: The Right People

This is a contribution from Christopher David Joslyn

There are certainly multiple areas to address when it comes to managing your priorities.  One of the most important is learning how to prioritize not only how you spend your time with others, but who those others should be. 

I have often observed that people tend to spend much of their time with “problem people” instead of “potential people”.  Taking on someone else’s challenges can have its own set of future rewards.   But prioritizing your time each day should first take into consideration whether someone is moving you closer or further away from your objectives.

How do you decide whom to spend time with?  Of course, respect and have positive relations with everyone you can.  But do NOT spend time with everyone equally.

There are many details that you can consider:

  • Value to Team

  • Timing

  • Mentoring (from or to)

  • Natural ability

  • Previous Training

  • Responsibility

I would suggest making it much simpler initially while asking yourself three quick questions about how you engage with them:

  1. Is this person a subtractor?

  2. Is this person additive?

  3. Is this person a multiplier?

The Subtractor

A Subtractor is defined as one that draws much from you and rarely gives.  The energy drain related to this kind of engagement is the easiest to be trapped by and the worst place to be.  The drain of your time and energy is insatiable and will end up leaving you feeling embittered and bewildered by the lack of reciprocation.  It is important to note, however, that the other party is not at fault here.  It is a decision you have made to prioritize them. 

The Additive

An Additive person reflects, at minimum, the same about of time and energy as you invest.  Both parties in this relationship gain substantially and add to each’s cognitive and tangible abilities.   

The Multiplier

The Multiplier is much rarer.  They are the individuals for which seemingly tangential ideas to your thoughts and processes suddenly collide into something unique and wholly beneficial to all parties involved.  These are the synergistic partnerships that change both things simple and things complex.  Together they are many times more effective and influential than separate.

The time and energy you devote to others can be a great investment and pay tremendous dividends.  Choose whom you will invest in.  Choose Multipliers and Additives whenever possible.  Understand that you will always invest some time in Subtractors, but that it is always your decision to minimize that exposure.  

Invest in people wisely and consistently. You will never regret it.


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