Quiet Vacationing Is A Trend Among U.S. Workers

Paid days off aren't guaranteed for many Americans, and even when they are, most workers aren’t using all their PTO. A Harris Poll survey found that 78% of U.S. workers don’t take all their vacation days, with Gen Z and millennials feeling the most pressure to stay productive.

Younger workers often skip asking for time off due to fear of looking like slackers. Instead, they’ve created a "quiet vacationing" trend, taking breaks without officially notifying their managers. Nearly 40% of millennials admit to this, often using tricks like moving their mouse to appear active on work platforms or scheduling messages to send after hours.

Libby Rodney from The Harris Poll notes this workaround culture stems from a lack of supportive PTO systems. To fix this, bosses should be more transparent about taking time off, normalize PTO by using it themselves, and mandate some days off.

Interestingly, workers with 11-15 PTO days are more likely to use them all, compared to those with 16 or more days. Creative PTO benefits, like company-wide shutdowns during holidays or required quarterly days off, could help improve work-life balance. Many believe the U.S. should adopt European-style work policies, promoting better boundaries between work and personal time.

Read more at CNBC

Why This Matters In Our Industry:

If your employees are feeling pressured to not take PTO, it can lead to burnout, lower productivity, and higher turnover rates. Ensuring a supportive PTO culture can keep your team refreshed and more effective in handling the challenges of this fast-paced industry.

Our Take:

If workers are resorting to 'quiet vacationing' because they're afraid to take PTO, it's a red flag for any industry. In transportation and logistics, we need our team at their best. Encouraging proper time off isn't just good for them; it’s essential for maintaining a strong, reliable workforce.


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